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Reference - SLS/D41/1/5/1

Extent - 23 items


'One "plan" consists purely of writing (?Emile Desforges) and is very detailed, being a series of measurements of different parts of the site - distances between two points; length of a wall, etc. It is entitled "Edifice des Parcelles 700, 701 S[?on A (Plaine de Gergovia)". At the bottom is a note reading \'Ces mesures ont \xe9t\xe9 effectu\xe9es par Madame Brogan apr\xe9s les fouilles de 1935\' (These measurements were carried out by Mrs Brogan after the excavations of 1935\'. This series also contains a detailed drawing of a pavement of "la Cella" (Temple 1).'

Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.

Former Reference - D41/1/5/1; Reference - SLS/D41/1/5/1;