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Reference - SLS/D41/4/7

Extent - 10 items

Calm Format - Newspaper


'Publications include "The Observer", "The Times", "The Sunday Times" and "Salzburger Nachrichten". Articles include two book reviews (one by Harold Nicolson) of "A Cure for Serpents" by Alberto Denti di Pirajno (1955), an account by William Donkin and Norman Pearn of their north-south crossing of the Sahara, "Discovery of Rock Engravings in the Foothills of Tibesti" by A J Arkell (1959), a review by Brogan of "Lords of the Atlas: The Rise and Fall of the House of Glaoua, 1893-1956" by Gavin Maxwell, a travel guide to Tunisia by Alexander Temple, an article on research into "White African Prehistory" (in German), "How Monty Tackled Rommel" by J W Hackett and Soviet Union activity in Africa by Lord Chalfont.'

Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.

Former Reference - D41/4/7; Reference - SLS/D41/4/7;