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Outcropping rock forming upper part of lower cliff on end of promontory. GRA171 is relatively inaccessible rock face above GRA172 and the main vertical panels of the lower cliff. Rock fall from the cliff face below has further hampered access to this panel. Carvings on vertical surface.


Elephant, three giraffe, oryx, two cows, four quadrupeds, indeterminate: On left of panel is incised outline of large elephant facing left with large ears, tusks, trunk with lines across, and possible eye. Various incised lines on body are possibly remnants of other images. Above trunk is incisd quadruped facing right with tail and possible short horn. Below trunk are incised outlines of two quadrupeds head to head. Quadruped on left has backward and upward curving horns, possibly a cow, quadruped on right has backward and upward curving horns. To the right of the elephant is incised outline of giraffe facing left with long neck, long legs, and raised tail, partly superimposed over incised outline of giraffe facing right with short upwards horns or ears. Several lines of indeterminate images. To the right and partly superimposed by giraffe is incised outline of cow facing right with lyre-shaped horns, and incised outline of quadruped facing right with long tail and upward pointing horns or ears, lines on hide, possibly a gazelle. Lines of indeterminate shapes to the right of this image. Further to the right is incised outline of quadruped facing left with backward pointing horns, and incised indeterminate shape. Further to the right, at the right end of the panel, is a group of three animals and numerous incised lines, possibly the remnants of earlier images. At bottom of panel is incised outline of gazelle facing right with long backward flowing horns, probably an oryx. Lower body and legs truncated by rock fall. Above is incised outline of quadruped facing right with long upward waving horns, possibly an addax. Lines on hide, above and to right are remnants of earlier carvings. This quadruped is superimposed over legs of incised giraffe outline, facing right with bent neck and short upward horns or ears.

Biographical history

Deposited with the Society for Libyan Studies Online Archive by Tertia Barnett in 2019