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Outcropping rock forming large panel on upper cliff immediately W of ELH018B. Carvings on vertical surface.


Five humans, four elephants, five cows, giraffe, three ostriches, three bovids, four quadrupeds (one ambiguous animal), indeterminate, abstract, pecking: Panel is dominated by incised outlines of two large elephants and, at the left end of the panel, one smaller elephant. All are in motion, facing left, with tusks, trunks and large ears, mouths, thick legs, rounded feet depicted, eyes are shown on the two larger elephants. Largest elephant on left has phallus and raised tail. Elephant to right has raised tail, circle at end of trunk, and pecked circle below mouth. Outlines all re-incised. Beneath mouths of both larger elephants are small incised human figures, both facing right with bow and arrow pointing at elephant. Left-hand figure has line (feather?) extending from top of head. Incised and pecked indeterminate images between the two large elephants. In front of smallest elephant is incised outline of cow facing left with forward curving horns. Beneath elephants are ten pecked or incised images of animals facing right. From left to right: Incised outline of cow with cervico-thoracic hump and forward curving horns, vertical line above back; crudely pecked outline of cow with forward curving horns; incised outlines of two bovids with upward and backwarc curving horns and a line across the body; pecked outline of probable bovid with forward pointing horn; pecked outline of quadruped with pecking on hide, line across neck, possible short horn; pecked outline of quadruped, pecking on hide, no horn visible; pecked outline of cow with small cervico-thoracic hump and forward curving horn, line across body, abstract incised image superimposed over forequarters; incised outline of quadruped with forward then backward curving horns and pecking on hide, probably a cow; pecked outline of quadruped, line across body, indistinct head terminating in natural fissure. To the right of this natural fissure on a surface exposed in the past by exfoliation, are pecked and incised images of six animals facing right and three humans. From left to right; incised heart shaped image; two pecked birds with long legs facing right, possibly ostriches; incised outline of bird with long legs and long neck, possibly an ostrich; incised legs and circular feet of possible elephant, upper body and head indistinct; two incised human fiugures with heart-shaped heads, possibly masked or therianthropes, dancing or in motion with one arm raised behind head; incised indeterminate image to left of upper human; incised outline of ambiguous creature facing right with thin, elongated neck and head, lines on body, indeterminte image above; incised outline of giraffe facing right with long neck, short upward horns or ears, U-shaped belly, hind legs indistinct; incised human figure facing right with heart-shaped mask or head, in motion (dancing?) with one arm raised behind head. Outlines of many incised images are re-incised and/or chalked. Some surface pecking. Chalk graffiti on panel in 2007. Small horizontal slab on ground at base of panel features pecked outlines of two partially superimposed quadrupeds facing right with forward curving horns, possibly cattle or bovids. Figures 6.13c, 7.15a&b, 7.18, 9.6 Mattingly et al (2003, 2007: 87); Wadi Bouzna in Pesce (1968) and Jelinek (1994, 2004)

Biographical history

Deposited with the Society for Libyan Studies Online Archive by Tertia Barnett in 2019

Related materials

Mattingly et al (2003, 2007: 87; Wadi Bouzna in Pesce (1968 and Jelinek (1994, 2004