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Reference - SLS/D41/3/2/1/1

Extent - 1 bundle

Calm Format - Document


'The majority of these notes came out of a large envelope, on which was written \'This is the typescript cut out of the Ghriza Typescript in 1961-2 to reduce bulk at the request of the Society of Antiquaries. It was intended to be a gazeteer of Pre-Desert tombs other than Ghirza, to show what comparative material there was in the Pre-Desert. The Director of Antiquities, Ess Salaheddin and Ess Mahmud Bu Hamid said they would make it a volume or supplement for Libya Antiqua\'. There was also an additional note which said \'Typescript to be sorted and re-typed\'. The notes were not necessarily in order. To them I have added "orphan" notes, i.e. notes found scattered throughout Brogan\'s papers which it seems belong with these.'

Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.

Former Reference - D41/3/2/1/1; Reference - SLS/D41/3/2/1/1;